Duty Description
- Deutsche Bank Treasury / Investor Relations Fixed income investor update financial transparency. June 2015 (30-40) Reduced client perimeter (40-50).
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The heroin trade has been represented as an hour glass (Babor et al., 2010; Kilmer & Reuter, 2009) with hundreds of thousands of cultivators, producers and transporters, narrowing down at the smuggling stage to just a few thousand transporters and traffickers and then branching back out again finally to hundreds of thousands of retailers; see Fig.
- Coords w/Cmd Post & Base Ops prsnl on all acft arrivals/departures; prioritizes aerial port gnd ops w/4 duty sections
- Teams w/US Customs/Agriculture on acft arrivals from foreign ports, ensures compliance for safe/secure US borders
- Monitors/updates applicable mission information from GDSS II/GATES databases, provides port prsnl w/100% ITV
- Maintains ancillary & wartime training rqmts; obtains/retains all job proficiency quals; upkeeps all unit core taskings
- Assembles cargo for loading; Inspects all shipments for documentation, marking, packing, and labeling requirements
- Performs safety briefings; prepares, completes and maintains required air movement records, documents and reports
- Transports and loads/off-loads cargo utilizing 463L pallets/MHE/forklifts/k-loaders--key roll in squadron readiness
- Follows required processes for necessary training of assigned personnel to meet and exceed established requirements
Performance Assessment
- Directed 22 Amn for Fuji DZ ops; coord'd trans w/USMC...recovered 81 tons airdrop eqpmt--46 crews combat qual'd
- Revamp'd JSTO tng pgm; ID'd 4 discreps in fire sfty/evac procedures as Sq sfty rep--sustained workctr ops for 3 flts
- Coord'd reception for 36 AEF dplyrs; briefed lcl hazards/secured flightline--boosted mx cape 25%/mvd 1.4k missions
- Outstanding OPSEC monitor; received 39 ABW/IP SAV--zero negative findings...lauded by evaluating pgm manager
- Managed Individual Medical Readiness pgm; track'd 165 personnel progress--key to 95% unit cmbt readiness posture
- Coord'd bldg fire evac; directed fire fighters/extinguished blaze--prevented possible facility loss...protected 28 lives
- Devised sect recall procedures; established notification zones/individual duties--slashed response times by 20 mins
- Melded 26 ANG/ARC prsnl into ops; certified 1.2K tasks...exceeded tng goals by 20%--postured 6 units for dplymt
- Championed 'Total Force' concept; fused 46 ARC/ANG mbrs into daily ops--prepped 6 sqs for future dplymt tasks
- Grnd spt tm mbr for CINC visit; aided in motorcade offload--enabled multi-national talks/promoted regional stability
- Operated MHE for 96 acft; loaded 4K svc mbrs on sole-transit source for 2 GSUs--keyed USPACOM's force rotations
- Handpicked 2x DV briefer; highlighted innovations to Gp/Wg CCs--svd $1.3M/unit won CSAF Tm Excellence Awd
- Executed gnd reception of CONUS ADA; downloaded 88 tons/30 pax/3 msns--aided rapid response to nK aggression
- Coord'd disposal of assets to DRMO; prep'd/loaded 2 tons of eqpmt <4 hrs--redistributed goods/svd taxpayers $12K
- Built sharper aerial porters; tnd 22 Amn on 28 vehs/certified 330 core tasks--progressed future AF leaders for success
- Enabled 11 ADA deployments; readied 300 prsnl/42 tons of THAAD vehs--strengthened Korea w/ sustainment forces
- Supported 2 ID rotational exchange; sped mvmt of 16K pax/493 cargo tons--eased transition for 2 Army combat teams
- Secured DoD assets; tm'd w/ DCS mv'g 54 couriers/$11M of cgo to 24 units--pwr'd Pacific's lrgst classified distro ctr
- Vital to AF's largest freight sect; merged 2 sects...raised hazmat quals 20%/cut 79% redundant tasks--fused 115 prsnl
- Reacted swiftly to ship fire surge; led 20 mbr tm...built 14.5 tons of HHGs <4.5 hrs--rushed goods to displaced prsnl
- Attended Tech Specialist crs; prep'd 10K forklift for mobility alft--sel'd as sect focal point for contingency taskings
- Propelled 20 CBRNE redeploy; led insp of 38 tons detection eqpmt ISO EX UFG '16--crucial to nK WMD deterrence
- Sped emer response vehs to Iraq/Syria; mobilized 5 RoK ambulances on 2 C-17's--enhanced OIR battlefield recovery
- Oversaw 51 FW RED FLAG-AK deployment ops; insp'd 88 tons/launched 2x 747s--A-10 sq's flying hr quota at 98%
- Picked for short-notice SFG spt TDY; ID'd/coord'd fix on 16 violations/60 tons cgo--cert'd alft rqmts/mvmt rdy <6 hrs
- Led 4 mbrs in Cargo Svcs; coord'd transportation of 156 pcs/39 plt's--ins'd sfty of flt for AMC/PACAF channel msns
- Supervised 10 prsnl; processed/synch'd 1K tons/126 ground mvmts--propelled supplies to 6 major USFK installations
- Adv'd 57K tons cgo on 11.1K msns; sustained 5 CCMD's log spt--keyed '15 AMC Distinguished Gnd Safety award
- Drove DoS mvmt; processed 600 tons cgo...built 1.4K pallets--resupplied 9 Iraqi Army Brigades fight against ISIL
- Merged 2 duty sects; mitigated redundant multimodal processes...boosted tng for 90 prsnl--fully postured in 2 mos
- Reacted swiftly to ship fire surge; led 20 mbr tm...built 14.5 tons of HHGs <4.5 hrs--rushed goods to displaced prsnl
- Oversaw drive-on scale recalibration; coord'd w/PMEL/obtained eqpmt <72 hrs--saved $2K versus contracted vendor
- Amended 42 discrepant cgo shipments; guided 23.2 tons cgo to final destination--enabled expeditious mvmt thru DTS
- ID'd residual fuel shipping error; initiated AMC/AFMC cross-talks/policy change--averted Incirlik AB msn stoppage
- Averted acft load limitations; insp'd 57K tons cgo for 11K msns--keyed '15 AMC Distinguished Ground Safety awd
- Crucial to lgst air freight sect merger; tnd 90 mbrs on 40 items/28 vehs--coined by EC/CC for superior performance
- Coord'd gnd ops w/Royal Canadian AF for Exer UFG deplymt x15 tons eqpmt--aided world's largest C2 war games
- Sped emer response to sustain Iraq/Syria; mobilized 5x Korean mil ambulances--amplified OIR battlefield recovery!
- Drove 148th FW TSP surge ops; mng'd upload of 546 tons cgo--spt'd 12 F-16's/bolstered RoK/PACOM security 30%
- Life-line to U-2 supply; led 15 chutes/canopies/guidance sys offload--near-real-time processing x20 nK naval targets
- Triggered show of force/2x Guam B-1's gnd ops; steered fleet/offload 25 tons eqpmt--countered nK nuclear hostility
- Amended 42 discrepant cgo shipments; expedited 23.2 tons cgo to final destination--permitted cont'd mvmt thru DTS
- Led 42 multi nat'l mbr section; mvd 176K tons cargo/416 msns--renewed US commitment to Korea & Pacific region
- Coord'd DLA cargo; linked 540 trucks/2K tons ISO OPLAN--sustained 6 major USFK installations/svd DoD $4.5M
- Expedited crucial theater alert ISR tool; processed $3M U2 sensors--supported security posture against nK aggression
- Processed USN dive trailer; rushed vital $900M asset to Bahrain <24 hrs--rtn'd attack submarine to strike ready status
- Sped 2d Infantry Div deactivation; secured/forwarded 800 tons household goods--expedited Army prsnl reassignment
- Led 37 mbr multinat'l ramp tm; moved 11K cgo tons/1K msns--sustained bilateral ops & 6 major USFK installations
- Sped emer response vehs to Iraq/Syria; mobilized 5 RoK ambulances on 2 C-17's--amplified OIR battlefield recovery
- Expedited helo recovery; fwd'd 2 rotor assemblies ISO naval AMCM spt msn--returned MH-53E to FMC w/in 48 hrs
- Drove 148 FW TSP surge ops; mng'd upload of 546 tons cgo--spt'd 12 F-16s & bolstered RoK/PACOM security 30%
- Headed 3 deplymts to Daegu AB; mobilized 6 Spec Ops units...5 helos/204 tons spt eqpmt--fortified RoK def posture
- Received & built 14.5 tons of HHGs from shipyard fire; processed/moved in 4.5 hrs--expedited delivery to DoD prsnl
- Corrected documentation x304 pcs/178 cgo tons/94 acft...ID'd/fixed 423 errors--safe flt for AMC/PACAF chnl msns
- Oversaw Sq TMDE pgm at 2 sites; kept calibration of PMEL eqpmt $62K--maxed sfty of flight /AMC/PACAF chnl
- Processed HHG & gen cargo; validated 3K tons msn essential equipment--critical to 28K US mil mbrs living on Penn
- Resupplied 10 Alaskan radar sites; transported 420 tons DeCA cargo on 149 msns--provided rations/eqpt for 774 prsnl
- MHE driver ISO USPACOM ex; loaded 514 tons of eqpt--spt'd 5 USAF/USMC units' agility concepts/crisis mgmt tng
- Optimized $1.8B USTRANSCOM contract; coord'd mvmt of 300 tons cgo/80 commc'l acft--meshed ops w/4 carriers
- Met AMC's #1 msn order; pln'd 1.1K tons cgo on 25 acft...reached optimum weight/balance--svd $1.5M in fuel costs
- Directed 4 mbr load planning tm; mvd 8.5K cgo tons/182 msns w/zero errors--kept AMC/PACAF/RoK gateway open
- Piloted 2x ANG load plng/ICODES pgm; tn'd 8 prsnl/64 special plng tasks--mbrs combat rdy/TFI objective achieved
- Authored 5 EAMS SOP; mvd 26K tons cgo/61K pax ISO OFS/OIR--reduced Army gnd time from 33 days to 24 hrs
- Performed contract compliance insp; 143 evals/23 contractors...ID'd 14 violations--enforced AMC's $1.2M contract
- Deployed to Al Udeid! Led 11 Amn/2 work ctrs; oversaw prep/mvmt of 20K tons cgo/2.4K acft--kept 98.8% TDRR
- Deployed to Al Udeid AB; led 12 Total Force Amn in trans of 3.2K tons of cgo--spt'd OIR/OFS/CJTF-HOA success
- Solidified Recon Battalion tng; prep'd bldg to handle 8K lbs eqpmt/loaded 4 msns--38 warfighters rvcd 72 jump certs
- Integrated AMC spt w/48-day NASA study/96 sorties/300 scientists--crucial to US/RoK pollution health effects study
- BMT Drum & Bugle Corps mbr--rendered honors at 2 graduations; crushed final exam...96%--named Honor Graduate
- Revamped & organized fuel tank custodian pgm; unveiled/corrected 2 major errors--sustained workctr ops for 3 flts
- Managed pallet & net pgm; enabled rapid movement of 10K tons on 1300 msns--secured 87% Wg plt utilization rate
- Energized reusable plt cover pgm--saved 310 HHG/mitigated $1M claims--unit won CSAF Team Excellence Award!
- Pallet/Net hub monitor; safely moved 3K cgo tons/150 msns...190 days w/o mishap--led Wing plt utilization rate 87%
- Enforced TSA anti-hijacking rqmts; screened 20K pax/1K tons bags/ID'd 102 prohibited items--validated safety of flt
- Aided SecDef visit; provided staircase spt/baggage transfer--sped transit to Indo-Pacific Alliance interchange meeting
- Gained 25K Halvorsen/60K Tunner veh quals; comp'd 56-hr hands-on/classroom tng--rdy'd sect f/ seasonal pax surge
- Flt rep f/ 3x POTUS staging msns; dlvr'd 138 secret svc prsnl/eqpt to summit...fortified peace ties btwn US/N. Korea
- Teamed w/ Australian AF; oversaw grnd ops of 156 pax & 6 bag pallets--efforts led to sect 'Amn of the Month' awd
- Escorted 20-Gp ldrs f/ AMOG CC inaugural sq tour; provided multi-site bus trans--highlighted key AMC innovations
- Helmed staircase supt f/ CODEL Pacific economic tour; sync'd gnd ops w/ acft reps--enabled US/Asia trade progress
- Provided anti-hijack ISO 3rd EOD mvmt; secured 3.5 tons bag/59 marines--advanced exped forces disposal validation
- Coord'd x-ray machine fix action; ran equip diagnostic/oversaw corrective action rpr--svd Sq $3k in contract mx fees
- Flt controller f/N. Korean detainee msn; led 4 Amn team...provided stairs/bus trans--key to Wg Outstanding Unit Awd
- Realized CC innovation pgm; co-dvlp'd Pax Terminal pet waiting area--eased PCS stress/add'd safe pet handling zone
- Supervised TSA's Risk-Based Security ops; screened 73K pax/370 tons on 3K aircraft--zero safety/security incidents
- Manifested 8 Defense Couriers/5 msns; sped tms/$2M critical assets to 9 units--spt'd Pacific's lrgst classified cargo hub
- Cross-checked acft pkgs for 72 firm alft msns; handled 3K travel orders--safeguarded $2M in AMC TWCF revenue
- Performed Pax Svc Rep duty on 6 Patriot Express msns; mvd 1.5K pax/60 tons bags--fueled Pacific rebalance initiative
- Organized 15 Space-Available roll calls; selected 212 pax on 15 msns--saved DoD families $190K in airfare expenses
- Inspected 24 msn packages; ensured accurate billing info for 1.5K travel orders--secured $1M in AMC TWCF revenue
- Manifested 8 Defense Couriers on 4 msns; sped tms/$2M crit assets to 9 units--spt'd Pacific's lrgst classified cargo hub
- Dispatcher for POTUS spt msns; guided 6 prsnl/moved 489 pax/12 msns--ensured security prsnl in place for Asia visit
- Briefed Key Spouses/USN prsnl on Space-A tvl; educated mbrs on svc benefits--saved 45 patrons $32K in airfare fees
- Off-site VPOTUS msn spt tm mbr; drove stair truck; enabled 30 prsnl offload--fueled US/Japan economic conference
- Spt'd Royal French AF redeployment msn; handled 900 pax/15 tons baggage--enabled Korean peace-keeping summit
- Teamed w/ base veterinarians; coord'd acft arrival/entry rqmts--cleared 98 pets, mitigated host nation quarantine delays
- Enforced anti-hijacking rqmts at home & deployed; monitored 11K pax/bags for prohibited items--validated flt safety
- First on-call team mbr; trusted ISO 8 special msns during quiet hrs--proved versatile port capes to POTUS/Secret Svc
- Excelled in Patriot Express msn spt; exhibited customer svc skill to 10K in-trans pax--fueled largest WestPac pax hub
- Hand picked air stairs driver on Air Force One--ensured timely POTUS debarkation/integral to tm Yokota's reception
- Scrutinized passenger data for 38 AMC contracted alft msn; inspected 1K orders--protected $2M yearly TWCF profit
- Dedicated dispatcher; coordinated w/4 agencies/ensured timely thoroughfare/15K passengers--drove smooth sect ops
- Organized 88 Space-A roll calls; 1.2K pax attained travel to 16 global locations--key'd maximum AMC acft utilization
- Partnered w/ base veterinarians; coord'd acft arrival/entry rqmts clearing 550 pets--eased host nation quarantine delays
- Guided mvmt of Command & Control exs; rushed placement of 700 25 ID soldiers--keyed US jt defensive capability
- Section custodian for TWCF fund account; prcs'd 54 msn pkgs--secured $34K for AMC...ensured 100% accountability
- Validated tvl rqmts for 4K msns; moved 83K Space-A/R pax--vital to Gp's Expeditionary Ctr Global Reach Awd nom
- Supervised 3 nuclear insp msns; loaded 45 DTRA surveillance prsnl--ensured 25-yr int'l arms ctrl agreement continued
- Conducted 4 AFRC Right Start briefs; relayed Space-A tvl benefits/90 new prsnl--postured for $54K in airfare savings
- Sync'd 5-mbr grnd spt tm for POTUS press acft; uploaded 150 pax/7K lbs baggage--highlighted sr ldrshp alliance tour
- Filled primary sq sfty rep; tackled 2 non-reportables/prep'd AMC/SE visit...bridged 36 days gap--zero major findings
- Sped medical supply shpmts; loaded 12.4K units of blood/plasma <2 hrs--facilitated 1.7K transfusions...svd 93 lives
- Selected for short-notice Poland tasking; JI'd 3 helos/35 cgo tons ISO 160 SOAR--key to Exer BALTOPS redplymt
- Tasked to Powitz AB, Poland for short-notice redplymt; JI'd 2 helos/55 tons cgo--rcvd LoA from 618 AOC/XOPM
- Expedited trans of $2.8M in DeCA rations; moved 2.3K tons on 107 msns--sustained CENTCOM/AFRICOM forces
- Processed 238 MICAP shipments; enabled swift movement of critical assets--prevented global mobility msn delays
- Facilitated Europe's HR hub; performed 14 dignified transfers--repatriated fallen heroes to grieving families <24 hrs
- Certified 98 lifesaving blood shipments for alft; enabled 72 transfusions--boosted survival rate by 85% at 8 locations
- Led 13 mbr mutlinat'l tm; mv'd 2.3K tons special cgo/1K msns--sustained bilateral ops & 6 major USFK installations
- Supported Patriot missile mvmts; expedited 7 weapon systems to the field--fortified Korean ballistic missile def capes
- Expedited blood transfer; coord'd mvmt of 3K pints to 95th Spt Det--replenished 15 med units w/ life-saving supplies
- Oversaw transfer of 819 pcs MICAP; prcs'd mvmt/229 tons hi-vis cgo <30 mins avg--expedited acft's return to FMC
- Managed hi-pri cgo; prcs'd 249 units of blood to 14 CENTCOM FOBs--spt'd HOA ops w/critical lifesaving resources
- Propelled $1.9M in DeCA rations; prepared & handled 589 tons cgo on 27 acft--nourished 3 CCMDs/4 secluded sites
- Guided $38M in cash mvmts; coord'd storage/handling of 11 shipments--strengthened AOR PRT msn/Afghan dvlpmnt
- Directed 2 FMS mvmts; oversaw processing/upload of 4 tons/27 pcs cgo--enhanced 14 countries mil in fight on terror
- Deployed ISO MH-60M hard-deck landing; coord'd ATTLA cert & JI d wreckage--rushed to CONUS mishap board
- Processed 42 MICAP shpmts; assured swift mvmt of critical assets <24 hrs--vital to sq earning wg's '15 NDTA award
- Piloted Uzbekistan FMS shpmt; mvd 302 MRAPS valued at $348M--boosted UN CT/drug ops versus terrorist threats
- Enabled Crisis Response Force tng; directed 4 JI teams thru 2 exercises/76.5 tons cgo--unit postured for dep in <6 hrs
- Expedited high-priority shipments; prcs'd 592 MICAPs/rushed to user <30 min avg--returned 140 acft to FMC status
- Sched'd/led ULN cgo insp; JI'd/processed 508 pcs/1.8K tons/129 chalks--handled 50% up-tick w/o manning increase
- Examined 6K tons of HAZMAT; enforced regulatory compliance--ensured sfty of flt for 23K shipments on 2K msns
- Scrutinized $227M ammo shipment; prcs'd/certified alft for 2.5K tons cgo--supported cmbt ops for CENTCOM AOR
- Insp'd 62 tons haz cgo; strictly enforced DoT stds on 2K msns--sq secured Wg '16 Gnd Sfty Cat IV/'17 Wpn Sfty Awds
- Monitored sect tng/hazmat & JI pgm; oversaw currency/certs for 18 prsnl/5.5K tasks--amped Sq dplymnt/HD/LD msn
- Steered $38M in cash mvmts; coord'd storage/handling of 11 shipments--strengthened AOR PRT msn/Afghan dvlpmt
- Directed FMS mvmts; oversaw processing/upload of 4.8K tons of cgo--enhanced 14 partner nations fight on terrorism
- Facilitated Europe's HR hub; performed 32 dignified transfers--repatriated fallen heroes to grieving families <24 hrs
- Processed 48 MICAP shpmts; guaranteed swift mvmt of critical assets <24 hrs--prevented global mobility msn delays
- Adv'd 68 blood shpmts; certified lifesaving supply for alft--facilitated 25 transfusions/boosted survival rate at 8 FOBs
- Expertly prcs'd 592 MICAP pcs; cgo mvmt rdy w/in HQ mandated 30 min timeline--returned 140 AMC acft to FMC
- Coord'd w/USCENTCOM's sole BTC; sped 4K blood units on 142 msns--enabled 175 transfusions...17 lives saved
- Prcs'd/re-iced $1.6M in crucial DeCA ration shipments; mvd 152 tons/76 msns--nourished 8 USAFRICOM locales
- Facilitated Europe's HR hub; performed 8 dignified transfers--repatriated fallen heroes to grieving families w/honors
- Diligently inspected 5.7K tons of HAZMAT w/0 errors; strictly enforced Dept of Trans stds--guaranteed flt/crew sfty
- Expedited crucial med supply shipments; loaded 7K units of blood/plasma--enabled 992 transfusions...54 lives saved
- Processed 52 MICAP shipments; guaranteed swift movement of vital assets <24 hrs--returned 14 acft to FMC status
- Dignified transfer SME; superbly trn'd 14 prsnl/facilitated 21 HR mvmts--ensured highest honors for fallen warriors
- Completed 80 hr HAZMAT Preparer crs; achieved 98% on EOC exam--bolstered flight quals 53% above PACAF std
- Expertly prcs'd $1.6M in DeCA rations; moved 152 tons on 76 msns--sustained forces at 8 USAFRICOM locations
- Spt'd Europe's primary HR hub; performed 10 dignified xfers--repatriated fallen heroes to grieving families <24 hrs
- Handled 37 MICAP acft parts; guaranteed swift mvmt of critical assets--prevented mobility msn delays at 3 CCMDs
- Certified 76 units of lifesaving blood for airlift; enabled 64 transfusions--boosted survival rate at 8 fwd bases by 85%
- Protected currency mvmts; oversaw security protocols for $40.9M--cemented Iraq/Afghanistan reconstruction efforts
- Linked w/Blood Transfer Ctr; mvd 128 lifesaving units to 8 FOBs--facilitated 52 transfusions/boosted survival rate
- Processed/loaded MICAP shpmts; rushed delivery of 150 assets to mx tms <12 hrs--enabled AMC's rapid global mob
- Piloted European HR hub; directed strict handling of 125 fallen warriors--repatriated heroes back to families <24 hrs
- Fostered biennial tng; joint insp'd 53 cgo tons ISO Ex TALISMAN SABER--warranted 30K JTF prsnl combat ready!
- Guided Special Planning ops; oversaw mvmt 4.5K pcs/1.2K tons cgo/1.1K sorties--sustained USFK's security posture
- Manifested 'Greensheet' cargo; forwarded U2 sensor valued/$3M--facilitated crucial replacement for wings alert ISR
- Aided trans Iraqi FMS resupply; 8K rounds/70 plts/390 RoK mortar sys ISO Op INHERENT RESOLVE--offset ISIL
- Orchestrated WSR pgm; ensured 79 core tasks IAW sfty stds/70 prsnl trained--clinched CCIP Outstanding Performer
- Flt Training Monitor; oversaw 31 mbrs/2.5K CFETP tasks--key to CCIP rating 'Highly Effective' leading the people
- Revitalized/standardized section tng pgm; 14 prsnl/1.5K tasks/3 upgrades--mbrs ready to augment PACOM OPLAN
- Managed elite JI pgm; skillfully led 19 prsnl/coord'd 40 insp/sched tng for 10 mbrs--raised sq capes/critical skill 48%
- Deply'd ISO POTUS msn; JI'd 100 cgo tons/sped SEAL tm partrol boat to Singapore--secured historic summit w/ nK
- Revived Sq LRM pgm; roused 2 instructors/provided crit tng to 129 prsnl--instilled sfty culture/slashed mishaps 18%
- Partnered w/ 51 MUNS; implemented virtual AA&E insp prcs--slashed wasted time 90% & increased efficiency 15%
- Crafted new Load Pln QC prcs; standardized final product/shortened completion time 20%--minimized errors by 95%
- Led 9 mbr tm; expedited mvmt...481 tons special cgo/225 msns--sustained bilateral ops & 6 major USFK installations
- Sync'd 5 bi-nat'l org's efforts; pln'd 6 hi-vis JASDF cgo transfers...val'd $124M eqpt--upgraded host country def capes
- Sq's POC f/Op ASCENDING EAGLE; tm'd w/3 orgs...coord'd alft f/35 patients--enabl'd medevac tng w/Army partners
- Scrutinized 102 pax manifests; recovered 37 tvl orders/fixed 20 errors--reallocated $44K twds Global Reach initiative
- Monitored $41M contract; mvd 11K pax/400 contract'd msns--zero infractions/fortified commercial travel partnership
- Rerouted 110 mishandled bags; rush'd items to 7 locales <48 hrs--prevented AMC $52K loss in reimbursement claims
- Guided 8-mbr tm; manifested 58 couriers/32 msns...dlvr'd 10K cgo tons thru AOR--pwr'd trans of nat'l security assets
- Tm mbr for 6 POTUS msns; mvd 12 WH staff/Secret Service--adv'd 1st-ever mtg btwn CINC/new Japanese Emperor
- Processed 72 pax msns; insp'd 3K travel orders...ID'd/corrected 100 errors--safeguarded $2M USTC TWCF revenue
- Aided mishandled bag rep; rushed 110 items between 7 locales--prevented $52K loss in AMC reimbursement claims
- Provided customer svc; assist'd in passenger care f/260 travelers over 4 day delay--received 3 positive ICE comments
- Tm mbr f/Open Skies msn; provided staircase/mvd 12 DTRA inspectors--upheld US/Russian nuclear reduction treaty
- Partner'd w/Def Courier Svc; manifest'd 58 escorts/10 tons of assets thru 9 COCOMs--keyed nat'l security cargo trans
- Conduct'd 112 Space-A roll calls; mvd 1.5K pax & 105 baggage tons--svd DoD families $800K in commercial airfare
- Managed TWCF acct; revamped funds tracker...secured $168K AMC revenue--cut errors by 99% & prcs time by 20%
- Customer Svc Innovator; align'd Space-A/R backlog/instituted digital display--svd 22K documents generat'd annually
- Partnered w/host Wg vet techs; coord'd entry rqmts...cleared 1K pets--decreased customs/quarantine incidents by 99%
- Liaised w/PACAF X-ray mx tm; oversaw corrective actions...alleviated 84 hrs manual ops--svd $3K contract mx fees
- Spt'd mvmt 29 AMC MICAPs; coord'd w/4 Wg agencies...expedited release <30 mins--return'd 20 acft to FMC status
- Filled Lost & Found pgm mgr role; prcs'd 85 mishandled baggage claims--returned $42K in property to tvlrs <24 hrs
- Manifested 16 DCS prsnl/8 msns; sped tms/$2.5M critical assets to 9 units--fueled Pacific's largest classified cgo hub
- Scrutinized 130 Patriot Express msn manifests; validated 4K billing transactions--recouped $2.7M in TWCF revenue
- Directed 4-mbr tm f/SecState msn; aligned staircase/provided bus trans spt--enabled negotiation f/release of 3 US civs
- Tm'd w/base vets; coord'd acft arrival/entry rqmts...aligned DoD tvlrs w/host nation quarantine policy--cleared 98 pets
- Championed 'Total Force' concept; cert'd 46 ARC/ANG mbrs on 1.7K tng tasks--rdy'd 6 Sqs f/CENTCOM taskings
- Sect's Tng Mgr; maint'd records f/ 55 mbrs, led 8 SoT ldrshp briefs--reduced sect to 1% overdue...beat AMC's 5% std
- Sup'd 27-mbr bi-nat'l tm; prcs'd 64K pax/1K pets/1.1K baggage tons/1.2K msns--clinched Sq's NDTA Awd Wg nom
- Authored Small Term Asst Pgm tng pln; trn'd 20 marines on 50 tasks--sustained Global Reach ops at Iwakuni MCAS
- Facilitated POTUS spt; led flight line ops sfty tng f/ 14 mbrs--ensured 10 msns/342 USSS prsnl mv'd w/ zero incidents
- Monitored MHE spt f/ Open Skies treaty msns; 2 acft stepped/26 DTRA inspectors mvd--enabled Russian wpns insps
- Integrated 71 ARC Amn into sect; val'd 927 tasks...beat tng rqmts 283%--tm earn'd 16 'Outstanding Performer' awds
- Led 14-mbr bi-nat'l shift; conduct'd 55 Space-A roll calls...select'd 1K pax--saved DoD families $600K in int'l tvl costs
- Alt Lost & Found pgm mgr; dlvr'd 22 items to 7 locales in <24 hrs--averted AMC $12K loss in reimbursement claims
- Enforced TSA Risk-Based Security ops; screened 20K pax/370 baggage tons on 3K acft--zero security/sfty violations
- Manifested 10 DCS prsnl/8 msns; sped tms/$1.2M critical assets to 9 units--fueled Pacific's largest classified cgo hub
- Guided Total Force tng; qual'd 23 ARC prsnl on 184 tasks...3x initial rqmt--prepped 2 units f/future dplymnt taskings
- Directed 4-mbr tm f/SecState msn; staged staircase/sched'd bus transport--fueled negotiations f/the release of 3 US civ
- Directed social media pgm; aligned w/ AMC guidance...ensur'd accurate tvl info--surpassed 10K followers/9.6K likes
- Organiz'd MHE spt f/ Open Skies treaty msns; stepped 2 acft/mv'd 26 DTRA inspectors--enabled Russian wpns insps
- Sync'd 2 tms f/ 6 POTUS spt acft; led 8 prsnl/mvd 78 WH staff/USSS prsnl--pwr'd 1st mtg w/ new Japanese Emperor
- Honcho'd 6-mbr tm ISO 2 after-hrs msns; hosted/fed 342 USMC prsnl--showcas'd AMC hospitality...jt interoperability
- Coor'd trans f/ 3rd MEF band; mvd 50 mbrs/3 tons gear--ensured successful '18 JSDF festival...coined by Sq's Top III
- Integrated ANG into daily ops; oversaw tng 6 mbrs/235 tasks--exceeded tng rqmt 125%...coined by 129 RW tm chief
- Accomplished deployment training; 13 CBTs/8 hours hands-on SABC--ready to deploy/support joint command
- Aced foreign language/Math 103/Speech crses; achieved 4.0 GPA--earned 9 credits toward Veh Mgmt CCAF
- Administered professional instruction;88 prsnl 2-18th FA Bn trained cargo buildup/JI prep--Joint ops improved
- Advanced supervisory skills; completed sq Top 3 time mgmt lunch/learn PDC--met all deadlines for 3 taskers
- Aid'd short notice POTUS spt; load'd staircase truck/eqpmt (10 tons)--memorialized UC Santa Barbara tragedy
- Aided #1 priority DV mvmt; completed 97 item safety/svc insp on 8 refuelers--secured POTUS diplomatic msn
- Aided 19 fallen comrade ceremonies; ensured safe upload/honor'd sacrifices--heroes returned home to families
- Aided Ex GOLDEN BEAR mvmt; deliver'd 52 tons cgo <48 hrs--ensured successful Maritime Security/AT tng
- Analyzed 60K air leak; utilized downed veh parts to replace brake chamber--saved 2 weeks NMCS downtime
- Analyzed Dodge Bobtail brake sys; replaced vacuum pump--6-hr turn around enabled unhindered convoy msn
- Analyzed tractor ignition fault; rewired electrical sys/restored veh within 2 hrs--promote to SSgt immediately
- Anchored FMS msn to India; loaded 16 plts/30 tons AA&E ($700K)--Sq earn'd '13 AF Lg Air Term Unit OTY
- Annual Tour shift supervisor; team uploaded 28 trucks/755 pcs/127 plts/3K tons cgo; helped sustain downrange ops
- Assessed 50K forklift no-start fault; repaired fuel sys--enabled scheduled mvmt 75 MUNS containers/500K lbs
- Assisted Homeward Bound vet pgm; cleaned stalls, walked/fed 10 pets--aided three adoptions/10 PCS moves
- Assisted tng of eight AFRC prsnl; ensured proficiency on 19 Ramp Svc tasks--improved Total Force readiness
- Assisted transload of three fallen heroes; rendered customs & courtesies--dignified return home to loved ones
- Attended 120-hr Fire truck crs; mastered pumping sys T/S technique--9-7 lvl core tasks/upped tech trng capes
- Attended Advanced HMMWV Class; 80 hrs of troubleshooting/servicing--92% MCR for 15 convoy vehicles
- Attended Oshkosh Snow Equip class; qualified in preventive/scheduled mx--increased overall skill set 20%
- Augmented ramp services during peak hours; three C-17s download of 46 pallets of equipment; hastened work flow
- Augmented special purpose mx shop; repaired 13 bobtails/35 line items/spt'd wg's 12K sorties--SSgt rdy now
- Authored 22 hr tng plan; executed 20 QTP Tasks/cert'd core duty tasks--8 Amn upgraded in deployed location
- Benchmark'd 1st C-5/Puma helo alft; mv'd 3K tons eqpmt ($15M)--secured ATTLA cert/Sealift Cmd objective
- Bolstered Credible Dove msn; rushed 105 tons State Dept cgo/72 plts--protected US interests/averted mishaps
- Bolstered Op TROPIC CARE; moved 2.5 tns med readiness spt to HI--enabled DoD Innovative Readiness Tng
- Boost'd Force Protection effort; rush'd 32 pallets Hesco barriers (117 tons)--secured Central African Republic
- Cataloged AF heritage; vol'd as sq photographer--captured two retirements/one CC call/'14 CMSgt select tour
- Co-chair of Wg ARMTF/Green Dot 'Early Adapter'; educated 5K prnsl on safety measures--reduced ARIs by 33%
- Comp'd Diagnostic Test Equipment course; devoted 160 hrs--used technical knowledge to train six mechanics
- Completed 20 hr-vocational welding class; supplemented training--enhanced shop repair capabilities by 15%
- Completed 200 QC insps/cleared 59 discrepancies--Sq won AFGSC '10 Thomas P. Gerrity Logistics Award
- Completed 35 acft deicer insps/repaired 27 items on-spot; spt'd 24/7 flying ops--facilitated mvmt of 96K pax
- Completed 40hr welding class; enhanced shop repair capability 25%--earned 3 credits towards CCAF degree
- Completed 56 repairs on 62 material handling assets worth $80M--attained 90% MC rate/beat cmd goal by 5%
- Completed AF Train the Trainer crs; instruct'd 4 ARC prsnl on 40 core tasks--facilitated upgrades/Total Force
- Completed diagnostic, welding and tire classes on and off base; increased needed job knowledge/expertise
- Completed Diesel Engine Mx crse; increased troubleshooting capability--earn'd three credits for CCAF degree
- Completed four 60K scheduled repairs; scrutinized 94 item safety insps--drove mvmt 12K pax/1.6K tons cargo
- Completed IA&R instructor crse; taught four classes/trained 84 psnl--fostered msn readiness to 'Fight Tonight'
- Completed shelter mgmt team crs; mastered post attack recovery/entry control skills--protected dorm/250 psnl
- Conducted 3K flt msn pkg evals/ID'd 16% insp fail rate; org'd tng for 18 cntrlrs--reduced discrepancies to 1%
- Conducted flight line driver training for 18 shop personnel; increased mobile maint/CDF support--zero mishaps
- Conducted insp on five MUNS vehs; enabled zero findings for '11 AFMC LNSI--resent promotion deserved
- Conducted pre-checks on 102 nuclear-certified assets for HQ ACC '08 NSI; key to wing's 'satisfactory' rating
- Contributed to flt's 1.4K work orders 10.5K veh svc/repair actions; attained 91% MC rate--smashed AMC's goal 80%
- Contributed to unit success, earned an 'Excellent' rating on the 2009 Command IG Unit Compliance Inspection
- Coord 618 AOC ITV on 35 hi-vis MICAP mvmts/983 lbs cgo--26 CENTCOM aircraft FMC in less than 48 hrs
- Coordinated flt tng day events; scheduled seven instructors/60 students--36 safety-related classes taught <8 hrs
- Coordinated redeployment for the Marine Detch/MACS 1 at AASAB,consisting of 59 pcs weighing 261,700lbs
- Coordinated section ops; 443 vehicles, 576 plts, 5,127 stons cargo JI'd--safety of flight ensured for 1002 msn's
- Corrected veh design flaws; tackled 6 time compliance tech orders <2 dys--safegaurd'd operators/$800K equip
- Created fire truck training program; certified 64 tasks for 7-lvl upgrades--enhanced shop repair capability 35%
- Ctrl'd key HIMARS shipment; expedited 16 tac vehs/32 spt pods/784 tons cgo worth $85M--safeguarded isolated SOF
- Dedicated 16 hr weekend repairing five busses for evacuated C-17 crews; ensured on-time aircrew support
- Dedicated 75 hrs to Kandahar AB postal svc; sorted/dlv'd 1.5 lbs carepkgs--strenthened 151 deployers' morale
- Dedicated AF steward; showcased superb ldrshp skills recv'd in PDC--trnd 14 terminal prsnl/56 core tasks completed
- Deployed 146 days to Bagram Afghan; loaded 65K cgo tons on 8K+ GWOT msns--secured 99% on-time DRR
- Develop'd aggressive study schedule; swiftly completed CDCs/scored 92% on EOC test--recogniz'd by Sq/CC
- Diagnosed faulty $16K refueler engine; sourced engine/expedited replacement--circumvented 4 wks downtime
- Diagnosed/repaired Landoll Deicer fuel pump malfunction; returned < 2 hrs--saved $1.5K in replacement costs
- Dir'd gnd ops ISO AMC's lrgst ex; mvd 5K tons/1K MG17 acft <2 wks--CFACC ID'd unit as 1/6 Outstanding Teams
- Dir'd TF RIP/TOA; org'd 19 C-17 mvmts for 772 prsnl/5K tons cgo/16 helos <96 hrs--guaranteed seemless msn capes
- Directed 3 duty sections; loaded 74 tons eqpmt/2K medcrew--rushed 200 warriors to 12 critical care facilities
- Directed 8 mbr offsite mx tm; coord'd w/jt svs on vehicle repair actions--sustained $8.5M in eqpmt/6 global locations
- Directed ground trans f/473 MICAP sweeps; hauled 3K acft parts--demolished AF 30 min delivery standard by 43%
- Directed repairs to 16 sortie generating vehs; cut 465 days down time--restored five unit mission essential lvls
- Directed snow broom repair; replaced broken hydraulic line/serviced batteries--returned to service same day
- Discovered misdiagnosis; replaced fuel injector instead of injection pump--saved $1,235 and 11 hrs downtime
- Dispatched 165 mobile mx calls; completed 330 in field repairs--cemented Wing's 94% C17A on-time departure rate
- Dply'd 6 mos ISO JSOC...led 3 prsnl ATD; inspected/pushed 50 tons cgo--sustained 11 FOBs/2.5K JTF combat msns
- Enabled C-17 aircrew tng; recovered 50 combat off-load pallets from 25 msns--reduced gnd time/war zone rdy
- Enabled FMS pgm; loaded 28 tons AA&E ($65M)--boosted US/UK ties; Sq won '13 AF NDTA Mil Unit OTY
- Engineered 5 AFRC trng visits; facilitated 12 core tasks--100% compliance/enhanced technical capabilities f/25 2T1s
- Enhanced dply'd rotation deficit; expertly tn'd 2 Amn on dispatch ops--cemented CENTCOM operational vigor
- Ensured 50th Int'l Paris Air Show success; moved MQ-9 Predator/6.8 tons--showcased US airpower for 315K
- Ensured mvmt of Afghan humanitarian cargo; uploaded $27K/5 pallets of rice--fed 9K malnourished children
- Excel'd at tech ops; APEX'd xx msns/xxx tons--deconflict'd msn saturation; clinch'd AMC's '14 CINC IEA win
- Excelled as MG ramp co; orchestrated 299 CDS/33 AD platforms/356 jumpers--strengthened vital US/allied relations
- Exceptional mobile technician; average 25 in-field service repairs monthly--increased 24-hour turnaround 45%
- Executed ATOC asset recovery project; rtrv'd 179 lost pallets across AJAB val'd >$300K--imprv'd air trans capes 10%
- Expedit'd six State Department msns; safely moved 135 tons of ammo--reinforced CENTCOM combat posture
- Expedited 125 pcs evidence to crime lab >48 hrs; insurgent targets captured--Israel Defense attacks at 6-yr low
- Expedited Australian Foreign Military Sales; shipped 18 Howitzers ($83M)--modernized strategic Pacific ally
- Expedited Denton Amendment cgo; 23 tns vital food/meds/eqpmt to Afghanistan--incr'd QoL for >40K citizens
- Expedited trans of 18 Counter RF-IEDs; moved 9K tons/$3.8M eqpt...8 FOBs--boosted AOR's IED detection by 33%
- Expedited Typhoon Haiyan relief pkg; loaded 53 tons on 4 msns--efforts sealed '13 AF Lg Air Term Unit OTY
- Experienced mngr; cordin'd mvnt of 24 Patriot Missiles w/launchers wgting 174+ stons--adv'd critical missiles
- Expertly installed 19 PA systems in command vehicles--enhanced capabilities exceeded new EOF measures
- Expertly troubleshot MB-4 tow tractor hydraulic leak; less than 2 hrs repair--zero delay of weapon movement
- Fabricated de-ice spreader hydraulic lines; returned to CE 12 hrs ahead of schedule--zero delays in B-2 sorties
- Fabricated HMMWV pitman arm; utilized residual material/saved 2 wks NMC--protected $46.2B PL1 assets
- Facilitated POTUS mvmt; compl'd three R11 LTI's one week ahead of schedule--100% mission ready compliance
- Facilitated red carpet spt f/CINC IEA tm; showcased 32 orgs--instrumental to winning AF #1 installation/$1M f/QoL
- Facilitated Wg's AE msn; loaded 18 Patient Spt Pallets/9 msns--sustained in-flight med care for PACOM mbrs
- Facility Mgr; coord'd office overhaul/$300K upgrades/org'd 1.5K sq-ft-space--enhanced $15M+ bldg/15 prsnl's QoL
- Fielded 320 Bagram mobile mx calls; over 95% repaired on the spot--enabled 237 combat convoy missions
- Filled Superintendent pos f/2 mo; contributed to 11K req/mvd 30K pax/8M tons cgo--spt'd 2.5K sorties/8.2K fly hrs
- Finished 80-hr advanced HMMWV repair class; increased diagnostic skills--enhanced deployment knowledge
- Finished Advanced Diagnostics cls; reinvested tng in workplace--tnd 6 Amn on damage assessment techniques
- First responder to roll-over accident; provided first aid to 3 adults/3 children--minimized injury/secured safety
- First responder; extinguished ESFS vehicle electrical fire--prevented injury to operators/lost of $40K in asset
- Fiscally minded; recovered 3.5K pallets/1.3K nets/1K chains/100 cgo straps--saved AF $3.3M in WRM assets
- Fixed 10K AT forklift downloading A/C; electrical system repaired in <30 mins--zero late A/C departures
- Fueled 51 FW flying ops; maintained 18 asset refueler fleet/$2.9M--drove delivery 15.7M gals fuel/11.3K acft
- Graduated 40 hour Condor Deicer mx crse; honed diagnostic/repair skills--reduced asset repair time by >20%
- Guided mx during '14 ORE; repaired 43 vehs/restored three unit msn essential lvls--upheld >90% msn capable
- Hand-picked for wpn mvmt; on/offld'd GBU-43 rehearsal w/ AFSOC--1st ever MOAB combat drop 91 ISIL-K EKIA
- Handpick'd for C-17 APEX tng; tackled 17 critical tasks/100% EOC exam--sustain'd AMC's velocity initiative
- Hastened MK-59 platform; mv'd 44K tons; armed USN w/missile defense sys--'13 AMC NDTA Mil Unit OTY
- HMMWV team mbr; refurb'd 19 vehs/poised ESFS msn--secured 9.4K prsnl/67 acft/$10B/Patriot sites/$280M
- ID'd staircase truck leak-down problem; replaced hydraulic cylinder in 2 hrs--safeguarded next-day DV arrival
- ID'd two discrepencies w/tng manuals and AFI; briefed shift on correct guidance--avoided needless write-ups
- Identified 60K ldr eng tuning problem; sourced/repaired malfunction--delivered 25K tons of war fighting cargo
- Implemented new AF-directed vehicle maintenance plan; ensured easy transition--100% on-time compliance
- Indispensable Amn; directly spt'd 475 trans rqsts & 2K pax--sel'd Aug '14 'Operator of the Month'....SrA now!
- Initiated FTM self-inspections; id'd/repaired 13 pieces of defective equipment--averted serious safety mishaps
- Inprocessed new 60K loader in <48 hrs; asset vital in first B747 cargo msn at Bastion--ready for Promotion
- Inspected 11 nuclear certified vehs; repaired 17 discrepancies--Sq rated 'Outstanding' for '10 DNSI--promote!
- Inspected HMMWV steering malfunction; replaced gear box/pitman arm/tires--elevated WSA security by 23%
- Inspected vital assets; 4 AH/5UH-60 Helo's, 21 plts, 8 vehicles processed-supprt'd multinational Joint exercise
- Installed light kit on lead vehicle commander asset--increased convoy protection/IED identification by 30%
- Instructed AF Reserves on Ramp/LST ops; trained 11 mbrs on 9 critical tasks--bolstered Total Force readiness
- Instructed MHE class; taught seven coalition force mbrs operation/repair--slashed diagnostic lead-time by 25%
- Inventoried three CTKs/11 ITKs; verified labeling/accountability of $122K in tools--zero findings '10 LCAP
- Inventoried/oversaw $30K Tunner Loader MRSP; 1700 parts stocked--reduced vehicle down time by 2 weeks
- Joint Force enabler; transport'd 481 tons eqpmt/25 vehicles on 19 msns--bolstered relations w/coalition forces
- Justified 509 BW/442 FW fleet; defended 602 vehs/32 unit's auth--led to 132 new assets/supporting T-38/B-2s
- Key snow repair team mbr; aided CE snow/ice removal operations--earned Air Force '07 Balchen/Post award
- Key to Vehicle Maintenance Flight maintaining a 94% vehicle-in-commission rate, the best ever documented
- Knocked out 23 mobile calls/62 incoming insps/37 minor mx repairs--cinched wg's 4M safe miles/no mishaps
- Launched C-5 wing slat to HI; urgently transloaded T-2 in <45 min--hastened theater mobility wpn sys to FMC
- Launched MICAP/C-5 engine change kit; secured 26 ton mvmt--critical theater mobility weapon sys airborne
- Leadership experience; Served as NCOIC Special Handling section Ali Al Salem AB--section ops improved
- Led acft loader TCTO pgm; 68 mods/bulletins complet'd 3 mos ahead of schedule--ensur'd 27 assets/$24M msn ready
- Led CES snow removal spt team of eight; directed broom/plow repairs--ensured 1.5M sq yd flightline cleared
- Led installation on 530 deferred parts; completed 150 in-field--reduced backlog by 40%/enabled 93% MCR
- Led refueling mx during 1 mo manning shortfall; supervised 253 repairs/133 hrs--aided flt's 2-yr high 93% MC
- Led repairs on 117 nuclear-certified vehicles for B-2 munitions operation; 100% mission ready
- Led SAAM mx team; slashed insp time 35% on convoy assets--ensured readiness of nuc weapon divert base
- Led Training Business Area pgm; monitored 140 psnl/577 tasks--ensured upgrade of six 5 lvl & four 7 lvl psnl
- Maintained 11 vehs/>$4M snow fleet; anchored summer rebuild pgm--cleared 1.5M sq ft fltline/75 miles road
- Maintained 350 tactical vehicles/equipment; night shift NCOIC/supervised 11 Airmen--increased MC rate 10%
- Maintained 54 tactical vehicles valued at $65M; completed 632 maintenance repairs--increased MC rate 15%
- Maintained base fleet vehicle in-commission rate at 92%--exceeded ACC/AF goals of 90%; 2nd year in a row
- Maintained fleet of 676 vehicles valued at $69M; completed 2190 individual repairs--enhanced MC rate 4%
- Managed $939K vehicle maint budget; 4.1K BPA/GPC transactions--100% accountability/zero discrepancies
- Managed $982K veh maintenance budget; 4.1K BPA/GPC transactions--cut expenditures by 10% from FY '10
- Managed MST operations; coordinated upload operation of 21 pax/12 pallets on C-5 mission; met mission time-line
- Managed rebuild of 56 pieces of snow equipment/$3.5M; completed 616 w/o line items--coined by MSG/CC
- Managed refueling mx bench stock; ID'd/rectified >$9.5K in discrepancies--reconciled 302 item/$20K account
- Managed section MHE/veh assets; enforced daily mx check on 23 veh's worth $18M--97% in-commission rate
- Managed the inspection/processing of 2,797 pieces REG Mail/Sig Service cargo--ensured 100% accountability
- Managed/conducted eight flight line driver's trng courses--ensured 31 technicians complied with regulations
- Master mobile maint tech; performed 44 on-spot veh repairs/Op NEW DAWN--critical to ground spt success
- Mastered Automotive Service Excellence exams; certified in brakes/transmission--seven CCAF credits earned
- Mastered Stemco Wheel End Certifications; saved $2K in contractor repairs--enhanced repair capability 25%
- Mastered Tire Industry Certification course; saved $9K in replacement tires--enhanced repair capability 35%
- Member of snow repair team--aided CE snow/ice removal team earning Air Force '07 Balchen/Post Award
- Member of snow team standby; repaired 56-piece snow fleet worth $4.2M--zero delays in flightline operations
- Member of two man mx team; provided support for three SAAM missions--vital to improved nuclear reliability
- Mng d $8.5M veh fleet/22 Amn...mvd 7.3K tons/505 msns ISO Afghan retrograde--accelerated 2014 exit plan
- Mng'd 455 EAPS Afld Driving Pgm; coor'd flt-line/CMA tng/licensing of 54 prsnl--ensured incursion free ops
- Mngd hi-vis ops;expedited $385M humanitarian assistance cargo--help'd 2.4M people in Syria >100K refugees
- Mobile mx team member; provided support for 4 SAAM missions--ensured rediness of nuc weapon divert base
- Mobilized CRE to Uganda; alft'd 64 tons ISO Rwandan mechanized battalion mvmt--stabilized troubled region
- Monitored hazardous materials pgm; coord'd disposal of 494 gals--ensured cradle-to-grave mgmt/compliance
- Orchestrated T-3000 engine repairs; returned vehicles 2wks early--sustained fire protection for $46B of assets
- Organized Flight fall protection pgm; attended 2-day crs/rcvd OSHA cert--25 Amn trained/procured $6K of sfty gear
- Organized/inspected/5 CTKs/8 ITKs; replaced 32 broken tools--verified $176K/22K item tool acct inventory
- Outfitted Missile Defense Agency; upload'd 39 tons mx eqpmt on 2 priority msns--propelled DOD research spt
- Outstanding APEX load team mbr; safely loaded 1.3K tons of cargo on 80 acft--saved 160 aircrew duty hours
- Overhauled HMMWV engine; utilized salvaged asset/returned to svc <3 days--saved $7K/averted 4 wks NMC
- Oversaw accountable docs; ensured zero processing discrepancies/3K transactions--achv'd < 1% delinquent doc rate
- Performed five emissions tests; ensured RAF Mildenhall fleet environmental was compliant--$750K in fines avoided
- Performed more than 135 bus repairs in support of the movement of 12K aircrew and 1200 distinguished visitors
- Performed snow removal operations; completed 15 plow repairs--enabled 349 sorties despite record snowfall
- Piloted four 25K cargo loader modifications; tasks done 8 mos early--safeguard'd operator safety/$3.4M eqpmt
- Pinpointed 60K hydraulic suspension leaks; swapped 2 cylinders <4 hrs--facilitated over 41K cargo shipments
- Premier leader honed flights work quality; 20K repairs--Squadron earned '10 HAF Daedalian Silver Award
- Prepared 49 Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles for deployment--shipped two weeks ahead of schedule
- Prepared 8 SFS Bear Cats for service; vehicles MC 2 weeks ahead of schedule--increased PL1 security 75%
- Prepped 9 Nuc Cert assets; inspected frames/directed replacement of bed boards--no findings for '10 NSSAV
- Prepped three 10K AT forklifts for shipment; task completed in under 4 hrs--aided 20M displaced Pakistanis
- Primary technician for SAAM missions; ensured zero vehicle discrepancies during nuclear weapon movement
- Programmed $1.8M in FY09 buy submission list--identified 48 special/general vehicles to upgrade aging fleet
- Propelled artillery-focused EDRE; alft'd 27 tons cgo/6 vehs <96 hours--equipped North Korean threat response force
- Propelled Kwajalein ration move; mobilized 48 short tns food; zero spoilage--sustained >2K DoD/family mbrs
- Provided critical MHE support for OGA; ld'd 52 airlift msns/480 tons cgo/48 prsnl--resply'd 11 remote FOBs in AOR
- Provided top spt to 96 customers; 115 mobile calls/41% increase in 24 hr turn rate--MSgt selection deserved
- Purged 55 chemicals from the hazardous material account, identified obsolete items, saved $15K yearly
- Pursued VM CCAF degree; attended advanced Deicer/Suspension/K-loader courses--obtained 12 credit hours
- Quarterbacked veh sup f/480 FS redplymnt; mvd 18 F-16 acft/319 prsnl/71K lbs--capacitated error-free reintegration
- Re-purposed Air Trans Div living qtr's; served 26 man hrs...trans'd 2 tons eqpt--provided dply'd mbrs w/fitness area
- Rebuilt diesel engine in mission-essential bus using residue parts, saved $3K, returned to service in under 3 days
- Renewed snow eqpmt working stock; sourced/ordered parts valued at $1.2K--cemented 60% 24-hr return rate
- Repaired 10K forklift charging system; 2-hour turnaround--ensured flight achieved 92% mission capable rate
- Repaired 4 DV veh in record time; 200 man hrs saved--provided quality transportation and service to CSAF/ SECAF
- Repaired brake system valve on MB-2 tow tractor; crucial vehicle ready in 1 day--supported 4.7K B2 sorties
- Repaired CASF hi-reach eng wire harness; saved $1K/2 mos NMC--spt'd transport of 736 wounded warriors
- Repaired defective sweeper water sys; replaced four nozzles--elevated FOD control Wings over Whiteman '10
- Repaired M915 overheating problem while on MSR Vernin--resulted in safe arrival; convoy mission complete
- Repaired only accident response vehicle starter; completed task in 4 hrs--restored AOR flightline operations
- Repaired Oshkosh broom hyd leak; replaced flow control valves/four hoses--praised/coined by 509 MSG/CC
- Repaired six snow vehicles in-field; enabled continuous B2 ops during record snowfall--coined by MSG/CC
- Replaced overhead observation window on 463L staircase truck--enabled download of 300+ RED FLAG pax
- Replaced transmission seal on convoy commander's vehicle; returned assest in 1 hour--zero start point delays
- Replaced transmission with on-hand disposition parts; returned to using org in minimal time--saved AF $3,500
- Replaced vital cylinder on NGSL; unabated USMC cargo missions--kept loader MC during surge operations
- Responded after-hrs to P-24 Fire Truck; repaired pump sys in 3 hrs--solidified emerg response for 6K personnel
- Responded to acft deicer; repaired outriggers/averted msn essential lvl breach--spt'd 240 C-5/C-17 acft sorties
- Responded to Oshkosh plow on flightline; diagnosed starting sys; replaced starter in field--ready for promotion
- Restructured B-2 crash recovery trailer; installed new rail system--ensured updated mission requirements met
- Restructured Reg Mail/Sig Svc process; directed 10 Amn/secured 3 tons--critical supplies dlvr d to warfighter
- Retrofitted eight light kits on LVC trucks within 1 month--increased crews' ability to recognize IEDs by 200%
- Revamped Allied Trades HAZMAT; identified/revised 27 deficiencies--zero findings during '10 ESOHCAMP
- Safeguarded US forces; sped mvmt of 37 Military Working Dogs--enhanced patrol, drug & explosive detection
- Safely loaded two 15-ton vehicle/metal shredders; sped assets to AOR--poised 10 FOBs for secure drawdown
- Sealed 8 FTD's; spt'd log rqts f/935 pax/68 acft & generated 1.6K sorties--pivotal to '15 USAFE D & D flt OTY awd
- Serviced 24 vehicles for Strike Eval; 8 nations/265 pax/96 tons/14 acft--lauded by NATO as 'best ever seen'
- Shipped five 10K F/L; vehs readied in <2 hrs/critical to Pakistan flood relief--prov'd 20M refugees w/supplies
- Skilled Load Tm Chief; prep'd/load'd 6 pallets on KC-10 tng msn (3 tons)--qualified 2 aircrew on cgo loading
- Snow team lead; repaired rollover front engine support in 4 hrs--enabled 349 sorties despite record snow fall
- Sole MHE mech; completed 90 repairs on seven 60K/three 25K cargo loaders; reduced veh down time by 40%
- Solved chronic HMMWV transmission problem; id'd faulty circut breaker--eliminated 45 days of downtime
- Spearheaded Operation Eger Lion movment; 23 gen plts/17 RSS/49 Ammo plts; Suppr'd 19 nations 15,000 trop
- Spearheaded planning of standardized recovery bobtails--increased recovery maintenance efficiency by 300%
- Sped 83 ERQS mvmt; uploaded >40 cgo increments/5 HH-60 helos--facilitated hi-vis Spec Ops redeployment
- Sped loading for outsized sub propeller; outfitted USS Chicago; boosted PACOM capabilities
- Spt'd annual 'Relay for Life'; devoted 3 hrs/walked 8 miles--helped raise $70K toward breast cancer research
- Spt'd Ex ARDENT SENTRY '14; sped 6 pallets/15.8 tons--sealed FEMA/Civil Authority interoperability tng
- Spt'd seven AFRICOM msns; loaded 74 tons of vehs/equip--US troops poised to combat transnational threats
- Streamlined documented cgo mvmt; coord'd 725 requests/trucked 50K items valued >$40M--enabled 97% FMC rate
- Superb Airman; completed 134 work orders/687 line items closed--91.2% VIC/1.8K aircraft sorties supported
- Superintendent of vehicle maint/dispatch 424 MTD; led 60 personnel--garnered SNCO of Month, Nov '07
- Supervised 11 Amn; led repairs on 117 critical nuc cert assets--awarded LGRV 'NCO of the Month' Jul '11
- Supervised 22 techs/25K repairs; largest OEF fleet/871 vehs worth $169M--spt'd 17K sorties/46K flying-hrs
- Supervised crucial M-ATV mvmt; dlvr'd $2.3M in assets/150 tons eqpt on time--reinforced security for 35 JTF prsnl
- Supervised upload 168 US Secret Svc msns; 3K tons armored spt vehicles in-place--fortified POTUS' security
- Supervised/ trained 3 Mil/ 4 contractors on THX; 100% prficient on tasks -- seamless transition to new prsnl
- Taught mx procedures to Afghan National Army; aided 400 acre mine clearing ops--6K Bagram personnel safe
- Tm Ch'd 5K combat sorties; aided w/101 kinetic strikes/171 raids/397 detainees/274 HVIs--destroyed ISIL/TBN cells
- Toughly inspected 81 nuclear-certified vehicles for HQ ACC 2008 NSI; logistics movement rated Outstanding
- Trained Amn on fuel systems; replaced lift pump and injectors from DRMO vehicle--saved 2 weeks downtime
- Trained eight opertators on MHE inspection; prevented 15 discrepancies--increased readiness for 1,200 msns
- Transport'd MQ-9 Reaper; uploaded UAV/2 spt pallet pkg (7.5 tons)--enhanced 24/7 CENTCOM strike ability
- Troubleshot 10K AT forklift hyd sys faults; rebuilt articulation cyl's--msn critical Air Trans asset FMC < 4 hrs
- Troubleshot axle fluid leak on MB-2; repaird/returned critical asset 2wks early--supported 4.7K B2 sorties
- Troubleshot MRAP starting sys; utilized DRMS parts to rebuild starter motor--saved $1500 & 7 days NMCS
- Troubleshot tow tractor starting sys; utilized salvaged part/rebuilt starter motor--saved $500/recently promoted
- Troubleshot/repaired hyd sys on two 25K ldrs; sourced parts locally/saved 3 wks NMC--enabled 2.5K sorties
- Troubleshot/replaced 25K ignition switch/belts; performed <2 hours--key to Global Thunder '10 CDF success
- Troubleshot/replaced 25K ldr tilt switch; completed task in one hr--key to Constant Vigilance '10 CDF success
- Unit 60K a/c loader instructor; qualified three new instructors/three operators; bolstered units mission effectiveness
- United 21 Amn at W. Coast's busiest hub; supv'd mvmt 8K tons/1K+ msns--won '13 AF Lg Air Term Unit OTY
- Utilized DRMS parts; eliminated 100 NMC hrs--saved AOR $10K in parts procurement/promotion deserved
- Utilized low-cost benchstock to rebuild parts washer machine that was inop for 6 months--saved $4K in parts
- Veh Mx SME; evaluated BW veh ctrl prgm--ensured nuke compliance; primed $4M fleet for STRATCOM msn
- Vehicle recovery team mbr; retrieved six disabled MRAP's from hostile fire--secured $12M in combat assets
- Volunteered for ERO ops tng team; spt'd eight crew mbrs during cgo restraint tng--qual'd on crit wartime skills
Cough up some EPR bullets, you slackers!
The following courses are being offered at Back Works. Please check this page regularly as new courses may be added.
- Supporting Recovery of the Upper Extremity During ADLs Following Stroke or Brain Injury Using An NDT Approach - Saturday May 4, 2019 COURSE FULL
- Managing the “Pusher”: An NDT Perspective on Managing the Individual with Contraversive Pushing Tendencies Post-Stroke - Saturday May 11, 2019 CANCELLED 04/30/2019
- Treating the Individual with Ataxia Using an NDT Approach - Saturday May 25, 2019 COURSE FULL
- The Thorax -- Connect the Whole Body & Optimize Performance with ConnectTherapy™ & the Thoracic Ring Approach™ - June 5 - 8, 2019 Registration Form
- Foot-Ankle Drivers & Their Connections 1-Day ConnectTherapy™ & the Thoracic Ring Approach™ Skill Enhancement Workshop - Sunday, June 9th Registration Form
NDTA Advanced Gait Course - June 19 - 23, 2019 Registration Form
The ConnectTherapy™ Series Ont 2019/2020 - Build your Clinical Expertise | ConnectTherapy™ & the Thoracic Ring Approach™ - Oct 2019 - July 2020 Registration Form
Pelvis Drivers & Their Connections 1-Day ConnectTherapy™ & the Thoracic Ring Approach™ Skill Enhancement Workshop - Sunday, October 27th, 2019 Registration Form
NDT Introductory Workshop in the Management of Adults with Stroke, Brain Injury and Other Neuro-motor Disorders - Nov 30 – Dec 1, 2019 Registration Form
** If interested, please ask to be put on our course update list and you will receive an email to notify you of new courses being added to the schedule.**
Supporting Recovery of the Upper Extremity During ADLs Following Stroke or Brain Injury Using An NDT Approach
Dates: Saturday May 4, 2019COURSE FULL - please contact us to be added to our priority notification list
Instructor: Sherry Rock, OT Reg. (Ont.)
Back Works Spinal & Sports Rehabilitation, 99 Northfield Drive, Suite 102, Waterloo, Ontario, N2K 3P9
Tuition: $225.00 + HST ($254.25 CAD)
Requirements: Participants must be registered OTA/PTA, physiotherapist or kinesiologists.
Often after a stroke or brain injury, it is challenging to find a role for the more involved upper extremity (UE) while performing ADLs. This one day workshop will present NDT principles related to incorporating the more involved or hemiplegic UE into Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) through using the UE in an active support role. The course will provide an opportunity to explore practical tips to engage the UE in active support during functional tasks in a variety of environments (e.g., at the bedside, in a wheelchair, at a table).
Upon completion of the course, participants will:
- Learn about the benefits of using the UE as an active support during functional tasks for clients who have neurological impairments and particularly as applied to the management of the hemiplegic UE
- Develop basic problem solving strategies to assess trunk and UE alignment
- Use task and movement analysis skills to identify what is required to perform some ADLs and how we might be able to incorporate the more involved UE into these tasks by having the UE in active support.
- Develop basic handling skills to improve trunk and upper extremity alignment to promote active support during ADLs
- Problem solve strategies of how to set up the client's environment to enable the client to try and use the more involved UE in active support during ADLs
For more information contact Back Works at (519) 746-8172 or admin@backworks.ca
Managing the “Pusher”: An NDT Perspective on Managing the Individual with Contraversive Pushing Tendencies Post-Stroke
Instructor: Karen Guha, PT, B Sc PT, C/NDT, CIDN
Location: Back Works Spinal & Sports Rehabilitation, 99 Northfield Dr, Suite 102, Waterloo, Ontario, N2K 3P9
Tuition: $250.00 + HST ($282.50 CAD)
Requirements: Participants must be a Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Speech Language Pathologist, Therapy/Rehab Assistant or Kinesiologist.
This one-day workshop provides an opportunity for health care professionals to gain insight into managing the individual with contraversive pushing tendencies (“pusher syndrome”). The individual who suffers from a stroke and has “pushing” tendencies presents with unique impairments that challenges health care professionals. This workshop will present current theoretical evidence and practical NDT skills for participants to use when working with the individual who “pushes”. The overall objective of this course is to enable participants to bring information back to their facility and apply it toward promoting more functional movement and achieving functional outcomes with their patients.
Upon completion of the course the participants will:
- State the basic philosophy underlying the NDT approach to the treatment of adults with neurological dysfunction
- Identify major impairments interfering with normal movement and function in the individual with stroke who has contraversive pushing tendencies.
- Demonstrate basic handling skills to enhance patient’s functional movement as related to his/her functional goals including activities in sitting, standing and gait.
- Demonstrate an increased repertoire of evaluation and treatment strategies for the individual with stroke who has contraversive pushing tendencies.
For more information contact Back Works at (519) 746-8172 or admin@backworks.ca
Treating the Individual with Ataxia Using an NDT Approach
Date: Saturday May 25, 2019 COURSE FULL - please contact us to be added to our priority notification list
Instructor: Karen Guha, PT, B Sc PT, C/NDT, CIDN
Location: Back Works Spinal & Sports Rehabilitation, 99 Northfield Drive, Suite 102, Waterloo, Ontario, N2K 3P9
Tuition: $250.00 + HST ($282.50 CAD)
Requirements: Participants must be a Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Speech Language Pathologist, Therapy/Rehab Assistant or Kinesiologist.
This one-day workshop provides an opportunity for health care professionals to gain insight into treating the individual with ataxia. Treating the individual with ataxia can often be a very challenging experience for the clinician. Perhaps this is because we have focused on addressing the clinical symptoms rather than the underlying impairments. This workshop will explore primary impairments present in the individual with ataxia, current theoretical evidence and treatment strategies using a NDT approach. The overall objective of this workshop is to provide clinicians with knowledge and skills they can use in treating the individual with ataxia to promote positive functional outcomes.
Upon completion of the course the participants will:
- Gain knowledge of the current literature and how we use this information within the NDT Practice Model in treating the individual with ataxia.
- Identify major impairments interfering with normal movement and function in the individual with ataxia.
- Demonstrate handling skills to address impairments in the individual with ataxia and work within functional activities including activities in sitting, standing and gait.
- Demonstrate an increased repertoire of evaluation and treatment strategies for the individual with ataxia.
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For more information contact Back Works at (519) 746-8172 or admin@backworks.ca
The Thorax -- Connect the Whole Body & Optimize Performance with ConnectTherapy™ & the Thoracic Ring Approach™ - 4 Day Format
Dates: June 5 - 8, 2019 -- Download Registration Form
Instructor: Dr. Linda-Joy Lee
Location: Conestoga College, 299 Doon Valley Drive, Kitchener, ON N2G 4M4
Tuition: $1,400 + 13% HST (Canadian)

The thorax forms the largest region of the spine and trunk and is essential for respiration while ensuring effective transfer of loads through the kinetic chain for optimal whole body function and performance. Trunk rotation and rotational control are essential for performance in many functional and sports activities. While much “core stability” has focused around the lumbar spine and pelvis, the thorax is the centre of trunk rotation, and all of the abdominal muscles are innervated from the thorax. A dysfunctional thorax can drive asymmetrical abdominal function, making it difficult to achieve symmetry and balanced rotational control no matter what the cues or training activity.
Based on her clinical ideas and research work on the thorax over the past 15 years, Dr. LJ Lee has proposed multiple mechanisms by which a dysfunctional thorax can be the “Primary Driver” for pain and problems anywhere from your head to your toes – including pelvic girdle pain, groin pain / hip impingement, incontinence, disc injuries, lower extremity overuse syndromes such as Achilles tendinopathy, head and neck pain, and shoulder girdle dysfunction. Thus, a patient with a dysfunctional thorax can present with a wide variety of symptoms and functional problems.
On this 4-day course, you will learn the manual skills and clinical reasoning framework of the Thoracic Ring Approach and ConnectTherapy to determine when the thorax is or is not the primary driver for pain or reduced performance during whole body movements. These skills provide the base to examine the thoracic rings across a wide variety of meaningful tasks. Specific thoracic ring treatment techniques developed by LJ will be practiced, along with specific exercise training and program design for optimal neuromuscular control and loading of the thoracic rings. This 4-day version of the course allows more time for hands-on skill practice and more in-depth application of LJ’s new phases of treatment and exercise prescription to progress to high load function and activities requiring control with speed.
For more information please contact Janine Tasaka, Director of Education Planning at Janine@ljlee.ca or call 1.604.986.2777
This course is the pre-requisite for the course Advanced Thoracic Ring Control – Exercise Prescription & Program Design in The Thoracic Ring Approach™ and ConnectTherapy™
The Foot-Ankle Drivers & Their Connections 1-Day Skill Enhancement Workshop
ConnectTherapy™ & the Thoracic Ring Approach™
Date:Sunday, June 9, 2019; 8:30am – 5:00pm (Registration at 8:00 am) Download Registration Form
Instructor: Rabi Guha, PT, B.Sc., Cert. MDT, CAFCI, FCAMT, CGIMS, LJLCA
Location: Back Works Spinal & Sports Rehabilitation, 99 Northfield Drive, Suite 102, Waterloo, Ontario, N2K 3P9
Tuition: $295.00 + HST ($282.50 CAD)
Qualifications/ Pre-requisites:
The course is designed for graduates of the ConnectTherapy Series, current Series participants who have completed the relevant course content, those wanting more feedback on skills prior to application to Certification after Part 4 of the ConnectTherapy Series, and is also helpful for those considering enrolling in Part 4. Participants must have completed one of:
- The Discover Physio Series
- The Series with Dr. LJ Lee
- The Series in The Integrated Systems Model (ISM) with Diane Lee
- The ConnectTherapy Series
This workshop day will focus on Foot-Ankle Drivers and the connections of these regions to whole body function & performance. Topics to be covered include:
- clinical reasoning for when the Foot-Ankle are Secondary Drivers or Co-Drivers to other regions
- relationship of Thoracic Rings to Foot-Ankle – determine the impact of the thorax on the Foot-Ankle
- when to use more passive, supported types of vector analysis & release vs. when to move into dynamic release for more efficient progression of exercise program
get updates on new information in the ConnectTherapy model related to Foot-Ankle Drivers
For more information please contact Janine Tasaka, Director of Education Planning at Janine@ljlee.ca or call 1.604.986.2777

NDTA Advanced Gait Course
Dates:June 19 – 23, 2019 - Download Registration Form
This five-day advanced course is designed for physical and occupational therapists working, with clients with stroke or brain injuries, interested in further developing their assessment and treatment skills to enhance the patient/client’s function in the upright posture. The interrelationship of the lower extremity with other body segments and systems is emphasized. Analysis of functional tasks, specifically the movement components that contribute to a person's independent performance of tasks in the upright posture will be addressed. Therapists will have an opportunity to revisit the biomechanical components of normal gait, discuss and analyze common deviations of gait in the above-mentioned patient populations and learn potential treatment strategies to diminish the impact of gait deviations on the patient’s ability to function while ambulating. As a prerequisite to attend this course, participants must have completed an NDT/Bobath Certificate Course in the Management of Adults with Stroke and Brain Injury (formerly Adults with Hemiplegia) or a Certificate Course in the Treatment and Management of Individuals with Cerebral Palsy.
Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:
- Identify components of normal gait
- Identify components of lower extremity biomechanics
- Analyze gait deviations
- Observe, analyze and synthesize effective and ineffective posture and movement and its impact on a client’s functional abilities/limitations as it relates to gait and function in the upright posture
- Analyze atypical movement patterns and identify impairments which interfere with function
- Synthesize information to develop appropriate treatment strategies that address the patient’s primary impairments interfering with efficient function and particularly with regards to functional tasks in the upright posture
- Demonstrate, during treatment practicum, options for handling skills to optimize the individual’s function and enhance his/her ability to achieve patient/client specific goals
Karen Guha, PT, BSc PT, C/NDT, CIDN, NDTA™ Coordinator/Instructor
Karen is a Physiotherapist at Grand River Hospital and Back Works Spinal and Sports Rehabilitation. She received her Physical Therapy degree from the University of Toronto in 1996 and became NDT trained in 1999. Karen became a NDTA™ PT Instructor in 2007 and a NDTA™ Coordinator Instructor in 2011. She has over 20 years’ experience working with adults with neurological impairments in acute, rehabilitation and outpatient settings. Karen has taught NDT courses throughout North America and internationally. In 2017, Karen completed her certification in Integrated Dry Needling. She also serves on committees with the NDTA™ Instructors’ Group.
Karen Brunton, PT, C/NDT, NDTA™ Coordinator/Instructor
Karen is a Physical Therapist with over 35 years of experience working with clients with neurological impairments in acute, rehabilitation, long term care and outpatient settings. Karen has been an NDTA™ Adult Course Coordinator Instructor since 1991, Advanced Course Instructor since 1996 and an instructor with the International Bobath Instructors Training Association (IBITA) from 1997 to 2018. She holds an adjunct lecturer appointment with the Department of Physical Therapy, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Karen has taught NDTA™ Certificate and Advanced courses internationally and extensively throughout North America (Canada, United States and Mexico). She has presented on various topics at NDTA™ National Conference, Ontario Physiotherapy Conference and Canadian Physiotherapy Congress.
Additionally, Karen has served on many committees within the NDTA™ Instructors’ Group and on the NDTA™ Board of Directors.
Requirements: Participants must be a registered Physiotherapist or Occupational Therapist who has successfully completed a 3-week or 8-week NDT/Bobath Certificate Course.
Location: Conestoga College, Cowan Health Sciences Centre, 299 Doon Valley Drive, Kitchener, Ontario Accommodation Details
The fee for this five-day course is:
- NDTA Members: $1150 + HST = $1299.50 CAD
- Non-NDTA Members: $1400 + HST = $1582.00 CAD
For more information contact Back Works at (519) 746-8172 or admin@backworks.ca
The ConnectTherapy™ Series Ontario 2019/2020 - Build your Clinical Expertise | ConnectTherapy™ & the Thoracic Ring Approach™
Dates: Download Registration Form
Part 1: October 21 - 25, 2019
Part 2: March 2 - 6, 2020
Part 3: Sun June 28 - Fri July 3, 2020 (Please Note: Day off for Wed July 1st - Canada Day)
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Instructor: Dr. Linda-Joy Lee
Cost: $5,400 + 13% HST (Canadian)
Location: Conestoga College, 299 Doon Valley Drive, Kitchener, ON N2G 4M4
Course Description:
The ConnectTherapy Series is a 3 Part, 9-month learning experience, taught by Dr. Linda-Joy (LJ) Lee. It provides in-depth hands-on and clinical reasoning skills in The Thoracic Ring Approach™ and ConnectTherapy™ models. These models illuminate the connections between all regions and systems of the body and integrate psychosocial features to treat the whole person by “Finding the Drivers” for the person’s problem. The ConnectTherapy Series replaces the Discover Physio Series and incorporates significant advances and changes made by LJ, to the previously taught Integrated Systems Model for Disability & Pain (Lee LJ, Lee DG 2010). This includes LJ’s new ConnectTherapy Drivers Diagnostic Chart™ (DDC) and clinical reasoning algorithm to diagnose Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Co-Drivers with a comprehensive and logical process. The new DDC also links with a new ConnectTherapy Treatment Principles and Exercise Prescription Framework. Identifying Drivers and changing the patient’s negative experience of their body to a positive experience during Meaningful Task Analysis (Lee LJ 2008) is a powerful vehicle for change. This “Wow” factor has neurophysiological implications. Therapists can then confidently design treatment programs that target the true source of the problem and expect positive change. The innovative Thoracic Ring Approach™ (Lee LJ) is covered in depth, based on LJ’s personal, clinical and research journey on how the thorax affects the function of the whole body. This includes how to assess and treat dual thoracic drivers, new advanced thoracic ring exercises and concepts in program design. In every area of the body, from the cranium to the foot, unique assessment and treatment techniques are related to how they support optimal function & performance of the whole body and whole person. The ConnectTherapy Series empowers you with new ways to assess and treat your patients, integrates the science from multiple fields with clinical expertise to figure out how to most efficiently and effectively treat your patients. It is a year that will illuminate new possibilities for growth and change.
Course Structure:
The course consists of 15 days of face-to-face learning, spread out over 3-five day sessions (Parts 1-3) and combined with extensive online support and directed course preparation:
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Online videos covering practical demonstrations, lectures and case studies
Book and journal article recommended readings, directed anatomy & biomechanics review to prepare for each part of the ConnectTherapy Series
Online peer and tutor support via an online forum. The forum is secure so that patient case studies with photos and videos can be posted and discussed for optimal facilitation problem solving
There is a high Instructor/Assistant to Student Ratio (at least 1:6) to ensure a high level of quality feedback for skill acquisition and development of clinical reasoning skills. Let the ConnectTherapy Series Challenge your Mind and Change your World, and the worlds of your patients.
For more information please contact Janine Tasaka, Director of Education Planning at Janine@ljlee.ca or call 1.604.986.2777
Pelvis Drivers & Their Connections 1-Day Skill Enhancement Workshop
ConnectTherapy™ & the Thoracic Ring Approach™
Date:Sunday October 27th, 2019 Download Registration Form
Location: Back Works Spinal & Sports Rehabilitation, 99 Northfield Drive, Suite 102, Waterloo, Ontario, N2K 3P9
Instructor: Rabi Guha, PT, B.Sc., Cert. MDT, CAFCI, FCAMT, CGIMS, LJLCA
Tuition: $295.00 + HST ($282.50 CAD)
Qualifications/ Pre-requisites:
The course is designed for graduates of the ConnectTherapy Series, current Series participants who have completed the relevant course content, those wanting more feedback on skills prior to application to Certification after Part 4 of the ConnectTherapy Series, and is also helpful for those considering enrolling in Part 4. Participants must have completed one of:
- The Discover Physio Series
- The Series with Dr. LJ Lee
- The Series in The Integrated Systems Model (ISM) with Diane Lee
- The ConnectTherapy Series
- Sports Pelvis & Hip Course
- Part 1 of the ConnectTherapy Series
This workshop day will focus on Pelvis Drivers and the connections of these regions to whole body function & performance. Topics to be covered include:
- clinical reasoning for when the Pelvis are Secondary Drivers or Co-Drivers to other regions
- relationship of Thoracic Rings to Pelvis – determine the impact of the thorax on the Pelvis
- when to use more passive, supported types of vector analysis & release vs. when to move into dynamic release for more efficient progression of exercise programs
For more information please contact Janine Tasaka, Director of Education Planning at Janine@ljlee.ca or call 1.604.986.2777
NDT Introductory Workshop in the Management of Adults with Stroke, Brain Injury and Other Neuro-motor Disorders
Dates: Nov 30 – Dec 1, 2019 -- Download Registration Form
Instructor: Karen Guha, PT, BSc PT, C/NDT, CIDN, NDTA™ C/I
Tuition: $450 + HST ($508.50 Canadian)
Requirements: Participants must be a Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Speech Language Pathologist, Therapy/Rehab Assistant or Kinesiologist
Location: Back Works Spinal & Sports Rehabilitation, 99 Northfield Dr E Suite 102, Waterloo, ON N2K 3P9
Course description: This two day introductory level course provides a unique opportunity for health care professionals to gain insight into the basic principles of the NDT approach and how it is applied to clinical practice to promote recovery of function in individuals with neurological impairments. Current theoretical foundations and evidence supporting an NDT approach will be presented as well as specific and practical information about the management of the adult neurological patient. The overall objective of this course is to enable participants to bring information back to their facility and apply it toward promoting more functional movement and achieving functional outcomes with their patients.
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Upon completion of the course the participants will be able to:
- State the basic philosophy underlying the NDT approach to the treatment of adults with neurological dysfunction
- Demonstrate basic skill in analyzing movement, both normal and abnormal, during sitting and standing activities and some transitions
- Identify major impairments interfering with normal movement and function in the adult with stroke, brain injury and other neuromotor disorders such as incomplete spinal cord injury
- Demonstrate basic handling skills to enhance patient’s functional movement as related to his/her functional goals
- Demonstrate an increased repertoire of evaluation and treatment strategies for the individual with stroke, brain injury and other neuromotor disorders
